Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Quote A Day! (And it's Amian!!!! *squeee!!!*)


Ahhh! See guys, there was still Amian, even in Flashpoint!!!! Until Carian got in the way... but I'm not bitter or anything. ;) But still, I love this! I can't help but adore his intense disliking for Jake Rosenbloom, it's adorable. Why do you do this to me authors, why??? Tease me with these little hints, and then WHAM, take it alllllll away. *hides in a corner and sobs*


  1. If Amy hadn't been there when Ian said that, Ian would probably be dead by now. And that would give the Amians another reason to hate Jake

    1. Oh, if Jake killed Ian, there just might be the biggest uproar in fandom history.

    2. The only way people would be okay with Ian dying is………..
      I tried. I really tried.

    3. I wasn't being literal, just so you know (:

    4. Haha ik ;) I will never be okay with Ian dying. Unless....no I really can't think of anything. Protecting Amy maybe? MAYBE? But I'd still crawl into a fangirl hole and cry for years.

    5. Just wanted to make sure you didn't think I was. People on the internet can get really scary over a comment. I learned that the hard way…):
      Unless Ian was the traitor and had lied about everything, even the Lovely and his love for cashmere and hate for Saladin. Thats when I'd be okay with it.

    6. Haha, oh no, you're fine:)
      True. If he did that...that is the worst plot twist possible.

    7. With a lot of the characters I'd rather have them die than them be the traitor, because if they die I can still look back on things they did and be happy about it.

    8. Exactly. If Ian was the traitor, I would just cry for years.
