Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Quote!

~Ian and Evan, A King's Ransom


  1. Okay, this is kind of embarrassing, but can you tell me how to become a member? I'm kinda technologically impaired, soooo….
    Love this quote btw. I can see myself saying that to someone like Ian.

    1. Haha, that's fine! See the area that says 'followers'? You just click the Join This Site button, and it should ask you to confirm or something. It's SUPER simple. :)
      Haha, so can I. This quote cracks me up...

    2. I probably shouldn't become a follower because this laptop isn't technically mine (I didn't steal it, it's just being loaned out to me by my brother till Dec.) so yeah. But you can mentally consider me a follower!

    3. Yay! Four followers! ;) Oh, it won't do anything to the laptop though. Just add it to YOUR blogger account.

  2. This is totally unrelated, but there's this one thing on tumblr called Trust No One where it has these mock dialogues for the characters. Its really funny you should check it out.
    Oh, and its totally appropriate if you're one of those people who hates seeing inappropriate stuff

  3. Haha, Evan, just Evan XD Sometimes I think he and Ian would make great friends;)

    By the way, how did you make the text look so um.. shiny? colourful? Anyway, you get it^^

    1. They really would. :)

      I used this app called FontCandy. I took an ombre background from the internet and then used it for the text. :)

    2. ^^

      I searched for it, but if it is for iphone, I have no luck XD I downloaded a 'Font Studio' thing though... I still don't know how to use it X3

  4. I freaking LOVE this. This is the best quote ever. so witty and funny. i need this on a phone case. lol
