Friday, September 19, 2014

Do They Not Listen????

Okay, I won't rant. Much. I just want to ask. Do the authors not LISTEN?? Obviously not. Because if they did, we would have Amian, not pain. From what I've seen online, about 2/3 of fans are Amian. Of the fans left, we have the Jamys, the Jamys who are only Jamys because they like Ian for themselves, the Carians, (*shudder*) and the tiny percentage of Evamys. Sorry guys, he's dead! No resurrection! Although even Evamy is better than Jamy... Anyways, so do the authors just not listen? I don't get it. Why would they create a ship that most people hate? Ugh. I just don't understand.


  1. The other Jamy shippers can have Ian.

  2. Amian is Life. The facts. DoD is trash. The Truth that not even Lucians can hide it.
